Understanding how inequality affects emotional well-being is essential for anyone interested in the well-being of individuals and nations. Inequality in this context is defined as the unfair situation in a society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people. A greater understanding of inequalities is also crucial to recognizing the limits of what promoting positive mental health can achieve. Positive mental health does confer considerable protection and advantage, but it does so predominantly among those with equal levels of resources.
Inequality also feeds into consumerism as people now use purchases and possessions to give a good impression and create a sense of self-worth.
There are several factors that leads to inequality in a nation which in turn has an effect on citizen’s emotional and mental well-being, these may include absence of mental health, no access to mental health care, quality of mental health care, and mental health outcomes between populations with different race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex, gender, socioeconomic statuses, education level, and geographic location. The government also plays a major part in the rise of inequality amongst the citizens because most of the basic and social amenities are not available and the rate at which poverty increases every day is very high.

Inequality also feeds into consumerism as people now use purchases and possessions to give a good impression and create a sense of self-worth. Money becomes more important as the means through which we communicate our self-worth as bigger income differences make the rich seem ever more important as almost superior beings while the poor come to be regarded as almost worthless and this usually as a great effect on mental health because that poor citizen who feels intimidated by the glamour and affluence of the rich citizen might either resort to stealing or fall into depression, thereby affecting his or her mental health. Also, sadness spreads as inequality undermines our mental health, the friendships, positive social relations, and active community life that is so essential to our wellbeing. Inequality, in sum strikes at the very heart of what a good society should be.
Employees of corporate organizations also have to be mindful of inequalities in their organizations so it doesn’t affect their mental and emotional wellbeing. Looking at this sensitive period of election, let’s all have a positive mindset and also come out peacefully to vote wisely.